How To Change Windows Admin Password Using Guest Account

Change Admin Password
Hello readers, This is just another post about hacking Windows Administrator Account, well actually this is not a hack but a security bug in Windows that lets you change the password of administator account even if you are logged into another guest account.

To change the password you need to login first. Use any Gues Account to login to Windows or
if your computer doesn't have a guest account you can use KON Boot method to get into the administrator account without knowing the actual password.

After logging in follow these steps to change the password:

Step 1:

Right-click on My Computer and select Manage.

Windows Desktop

Step 2:

 From the left side bar click on Global Users and Groups.

Windows Computer Management

Step 3:

Double-click on Users.

Global Users and Groups

Step 4:

Righ-click on Administrator and select Set Password....

Set Admin Password

Step 5:

Click Proceed to continue.

Proceed to change password

Step 6:

Enter New password and click OK. That's It!!

Admin Password Change

I have checked this trick on Windows XP yet, i'm not sure about newer Windows, try it and let me know if it worked for you :)

Also check my previous post: How To Hack Windows Admin Account Using KON-Boot
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